Dear Rachel,

Despite saying I was fine when I was indeed a hospital stay away from pnemonia, I think you're the most badass, genius, giving lady I have the pleasure of admiring.

I knew I loved you when I heard about your senior prank. I knew only a hilariously intelligent woman who knows how to have a bit of joyful fun would be able to pull that off. I was right.

Thank you for introducing me to shakshuka. Thank you for living your life in a way that broadens mine, simply by association. Thank you for never conforming. I love your free spirited, knows-no-boundaries mind and soul so, so much. 

Thank you for packing up Zach's things, for bringing home the last bit of him that we could still hold in our arms. Thank you for inspiring him to attend MIT. I'm glad that out of the people he chose to look up to and admire himself, he chose you. I choose you, too.

Thank you and I love you.