Dear Vicki,

I can hear your sweet voice right now - sounding from neither here nor there, yet all the more sounding like home.

Our blood may be different, made up of different families from different cities and from different states and different traditions, but there’s a likeness that runs through our bones and connects our hearts to each other. 

Maybe it’s because you wear the same pain that broke my own mama’s heart each day and maybe it’s because I know the terror that rushes through your veins if you let it. Either way, I know we were meant to find each other.

You feel like a place of refuge. A home away from home, a mama when my own mama isn’t near. Your heart feels familiar to mine, thumping in beat with the same strong willed beats of mine.

Thank you for knowing the importance of two dates and for never forgetting those days. Thank you for loving my mama so well. Thank you for being her lunch buddy and her friend. Thank you for walking the road beside her, beside each of us, and for loving us so well.

Thank you & I love you.