Oh, mommy. I love you so much. Why is it most challenging to express how deeply and truly we really feel to the ones we love and appreciate the most?
Just like daddy, there aren't the proper words in the english language to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I love and adore you. I always wish we could trade brains for a day, so we would know what it's like to be each other, to think how the other one thinks. If you were in my brain for just one day, just one full 24 hour day, you would know how much I love you - how much I think about you each day, and how I think about you with such full and complete love. There is not a better person on this earth than you, mama.
Thank you for all of the grilled cheeses. Thank you for all of the offers and insists and willingness-es - the selfless, loving, financial and time consuming, joyful - offers. Thank you for always driving, for listening to me all the days of my life, for answering the phone most of the time, for believing in me and supporting me, even if you couldn't see the horizon line, even if it didn't follow the traditional path. Thank you for teaching me that we're all weird. Thank you for giving me one of the most sacred and life giving things you could have given me: a happy home. Thank you for loving my father with such a beautiful love that has inspired and shaped all of my days. Thank you for giving me the best big brother on this planet. You gave me everything I ever could have needed in this life, just by being my moomie.
I know no one else who has a fraction of the strength and the grace you possess, no one with a kinder heart or a more generous spirit than you. I pray to be more like you every day. More confident and at peace with what has been, what is and what will be, more gentle with the world and the people around me. More giving, more selfless, more faithful. I pray to be as kind as you, as wise as you, and as loving as you. I pray I'm everything like my mama is.
You are my everything. You are my best friend, my angel, my mommy. You are everything good in my life.
Thank you and I love you more than you will ever know.