Besides the fact that you absolutely must put some form of invisible liquid crack in your green iced teas, because there really is no other explanation for how addicting it is - which I am waiting for the fact of its addiction to be scientifically proven, by the way (and don't you tell me one more time that it's so good because of your triple filter osmosis water blahblahblah) - , I started a love affair with you on the corner of Broughton and Bull St when I was nineteen years old and I don't ever expect my love for you to come to an end (unless, of course, my theory of liquid crack is actually true and ousted, then I guess I'll have to quit you because I'll be in recovery for withdrawals and what other choice would I have?).
In college, you were just a place for my friends and I to hang (your vision manifested in real life, Mr. Schultz). Those big comfy chairs and windows overlooking the most bustling street of Savannah gave us a place to rest our tired feet, recharge our already wired brains, and a place to drive our relationships home. I can still see the afternoon we all hung out on the bench seating along that back wall - stacking empty holiday cups to see how high we could get them, laughing when they fell. How bloody annoying must we have been?
I'm not sure when you started to turn into something deeper than a fun and central place to hang out in between classes. Maybe when you became Brinton and mines 'thing.' Maybe when I realized Danyell and Jazzmyn were real friends and not just those cute and friendly baristas behind the counter. Maybe when you became our favorite place to plan our wedding. Regardless of when, I like you and I love you for many reasons, and I'm not afraid to deny some of my originality that I usually pride myself on by standing on top of the Starbucks mountaintop and declaring my love for you.
Thank you for providing a service that is 9 times out of 10 consistently spot on, and usually provided with a smile that truly makes me feel welcome there. After all, isn't that the business goal every business in the world should strive for? Thank you for creating your stores with the community in mind. Thank you for being and standing for a place of further community within the natural community already existing outside of your shops. Thank you for pushing past the difficult days of your youth, so the youth in their difficult days could come find solace amidst your four walls.
Thank you, Starbucks, and I really addictingly love you.
Also, just kidding about the crack thing, you know. I just think you're THAT good, Starbs.
But also, what else do you put in your pumpkin bread? Because that DEFINITELY has some kind of good and delicious drug in it. Maybe it's just sugar. Steve Shultz, if you're reading this, can I please come tour the Starbucks headquarters? I mean seriously, it's a dream of mine.