Sometimes when we're all together, I'll look around and I don't know who I feel more sad for: is it me or is it you? Is the gaping hole in my heart as big in your heart in those instances? Do you miss your sidekick as much as I do? The one who was long and gangly just like you, the one who had the same bowl haircut as you, the one who was blonde and sweet and nice, just like you.
Sometimes when I try to imagine what life could be like today if it had all gone so differently, I look at you and Hilly and know - that's what it would be like. A brother and a sister, polar opposites, but with a love and a friendship that breaks the mold. Thank you for including me in that all these years, thank you for never making me feel different when we're all together, for never making me feel like my own sidekick is indeed missing.
Thank you for being the sweet, kind hearted, even tempered soul you are, for balancing the rest of us out. Thank you for being my family, for being part of the healing and part of the stuff that makes life good.
Thank you and I love you.