There are a few things I know for sure in this life. Some of those are that chocolate cupcakes will always be a favorite of mine, the streets of Bellville will rarely change, sunshine makes everything feel less heavy, and your soul is made up of pure joy, strength, fire, and an all-encompassing faith and love for the people in your life and the God you serve.
I love a lot of things about you - like a lot. You'll always be one of my favorite people, one of my most trusted confidants and protectors. But one of the things I most love about you is the way your face tells it all. When you're angry or flustered and trying to remain calm, your face betrays you by turning red and your mouth turns into that tight line I think I've seen aimed at Stephen one too many times. When you've just been told something shocking, your big ole blue eyes get even wider, betraying the surprise and questions coursing through your mind. When you're looking at someone you're proud of, your eyes crinkle up, you tilt your head a bit, and you smile that bewildered soft smile that almost says "I can't even believe it. Would you look at them?" When your heart is breaking and you have no words to comfort the one beside you, your eyes turn the most tender and your entire face shows the compassion that runs through your blood. Your sweet face may betray you from time to time, but there's not an ounce of betrayal in your being. You're one of the most loyal people I know, and to be on the receiving end of that loyalty, both as an individual and as a family, for so many years makes me the most grateful.
Like with the case of most forever friends, I don't remember a clear time before you and after you. I just know you've always been there. I can't tell you when it started - was it mom you came to call first? Was it Stephen and I running wild through the neighborhood that forged two families together forever? Was it when dad first moved to Bellville, while the three of us stayed behind in Coleman for a while, that you and Mike befriended him? I don't remember when our family began to think of your family as ours, but somehow somewhere along the way we did.
You've fought for me and fought against me, only to try and save me from myself. You've stood up beside and behind me, walking with me when I could, and propping me up and dragging me along when my own two feet were too weak to make the first step. You've believed in me and you've believed for me. When my faith became hatred, your faith carried me through. When my faith began to doubt, your faith reminded me of how far we've come, of the good that He's done.
There are a few people it would be impossible to be standing today without. You're at the top of that list. Thank you for loving me so. Thank you for loving Zach, for loving mom, for loving dad. Thank you for the reassurances of all reassurances, no matter the time of day when I may need your faith or guidance or love poured over me. Thank you for the pure joy I feel when in your presence - it's a direct reflection of you as a whole. You are one of the greatest gifts.
Thank you & I love you.