Dear Katie,

We're such an unlikely pair, huh?

Soft and sweet, tough and rough. Quiet and loud, cautious and reckless. Trusting and skeptical, weary and bold. Sometimes our friendship makes me laugh, for the qualities that complete us each as individuals normally don't keep the company of the other, yet I've found the greatest company and friendship in you from the very beginning.

There are so many things I love about you. I love that growing up when I was getting the blame for the ruckus you had a part in as well, you were running away, giggling as you hid. I love that with anyone else, that would have driven me crazy, but with you it just made me laugh and laugh. I love the innocence that makes your heart so pure, the sweetness that seeps out of you like the fire that rages out of me. I love that somehow we found each other and amidst all of our differences and created a love that knows no bounds, that no force nor person nor event could break or separate.

Without you, I wouldn't be a fraction of the person I am now. I would be less patient, less kind, less merciful - I would be less than I am. You've shaped my life in such ways that I know were arranged by the hands of God himself. Your presence beside me every day for years allowed my weary soul to feel okay, to feel like it was okay to settle in a little bit, to let the love of the ones I love carry me through that day, week, month. Your laugh and your nervous giggles next to mine allowed me to feel fully alive, to thank God for the girl beside me, for the one who helped make up the only bashful part of the Terrible Trio. My memories are flooded with your face and your hugs and your faith and your love.

The faith that you wake up with each day, rely on throughout your moments big and small, and that you fall asleep with at night has seen me through my darkest of valleys and rejoiced with me in the sunshine atop the mountaintops. It's a driving force behind who you are, and one that has served its purpose time and time again in my own life and in our own friendship, and continues to bless us both with its devotion. Thank you for pointing me due north when I need reminded, thank you for loving me so wholly and so beautifully, thank you for having the kindest heart and the most faithful soul. Thank you for being my Kit Kat, for ever and always.

Thank you and I love you.