You’ve been talking me off of ledges and from burning down places since we were ten years old. I pride myself on my initial gut reactions of people, places, and all the things, as you know, and knowing that my ten year old gut reaction to you that November day in 2000 was spot on, and still holds true eighteen years later, makes me more proud than you know. But it makes me proud of you, not of myself (though I do know how to pick 'em - I'll give myself that ; ) ).
With a couple passing of notes on my first day at that new school, a friendship was formed between two little eleven and ten year old girls that would span decades, that would see each other through moments full of joy and moments full of true despair, a friendship that would grow and evolve and help prop each other up when one's legs, it never mattered whom's, were too weak to do the job itself. Your friendship is indeed one of those friendships that they call a gift, and I'm so, so lucky to be on the receiving end for all these years.
In the moments when I start to forget my faith and lose the hope, you're right there beside, behind, and in front of me to remind me of the good things, to remind me to keep loving, keep being faithful. If I feel lost or anxious, all I have to do is look at, and to, you. Just like you somehow calmed my fears, with more patience than a junior high or high school kid should usually possess, about Revelations (still makes me laugh), you can still calm my adulthood fears down as quick as they are to rise.
You make the parties fun and any mood in any room anywhere a bit lighter and brighter. You have so much quiet strength, big goals, insane beauty (inside and out, as they also tend to say) strong opinions, spitfire sass, deep wisdom and one of my favorite laughs in all of this world all rolled up into that tall body and big soul you call home.
Thank you, and I love you more than you'll ever know, neighbor.
P.S. - Did I ever tell you how thankful I was, and still to this day am, that you came to Savannah? Thank you thank you thank you. It meant more than you'll also ever know... though you are dang smart, so you may already know these things.